Hot Take: A Happy Medium on Advertising

Let’s be honest — advertising on news articles is full of annoying and sometimes squeamish popup ads that also border on feeling shady at times.

It’s why I’ve always been adamant that our news site and news articles not be littered with them. 

Too often, it isn’t even clear where the news stops and the ads begin.

It’s no secret that some outlets bend to the wishes of big advertisers, letting their dollars — not the facts — shape stories.

And even if advertisers aren’t intentionally trying to manipulate the news, they’re still funding biased publications that push narratives that clash with the values of many Texans.

That’s bad for readers, and bad for brands.

But admittedly, advertising doesn’t have to be bad. I have a BBA in marketing, after all, albeit from a very long time ago. So I ought to know. 

And I do know that when done right, ads are helpful in connecting the right brands to the right consumers, while supporting good organizations.

That’s why The Texan will start running some advertising and sponsorship space. But not to worry, the only spaces available for it will be our daily and weekly emails, reporter newsletters, and podcasts.

But let’s be clear about where I’ve stood from the beginning of our launch and still do: The Texan’s news website and all our news articles contained within it will remain clean and ad-free, so you won’t be distracted from the stories that affect you and your pocketbook.

We also won’t run ads that promote specific candidates or policies. We’ve always been about facts, not agendas, and our ads will respect that same boundary.

You trust us to give it to you straight and we always will.

If you are interested in sponsoring or advertising one or more of The Texan’s content emails, newsletters, or podcasts and are looking for an audience that is politically engaged, informed, and loyal to the truth, definitely check us out. Click here to learn more or reach out to our team at