Hot Take: Leave the Man Alone

The Fort Worth Startlegram ran a reader-submitted letter this week calling former President George W. Bush “cowardly” for not endorsing […]

Hot Take: Stop the Doggone Character Assassination

The legacy media just can’t help itself. The recipe is as old as time: select a conservative figure to hate, […]

Hot Take: Mucking Up the ‘Fact Check’

I’ve seen this movie before. A high-profile presidential debate turns sour because moderators try to “fact check” one of the […]

Hot Take: New Outlet, Usual Schtick

There’s a new progressive media outlet launching in Texas, ready to shovel feed us with the same slanted tripe half […]

Hot Take: A Happy Medium on Advertising

Let’s be honest — advertising on news articles is full of annoying and sometimes squeamish popup ads that also border […]

Hot Take: Venezuela Ravaged by…‘Brutal Capitalism’?

Venezuela had an election last week and per usual, the country’s dictator and caudillo Nicolás Maduro declared victory in a […]

Hot Take: Popping Noises? No, It’s Gunfire

We are now a week removed from the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and I’m still astounded at the headlines […]

Hot Take: Texas Rangers, The Pride of Baseball

Happy June to all, particularly as we welcome the annual tradition of this month: piling on the Texas Rangers for […]

Hot Take: This is Newsworthy to Newsweek?

Nobody loves the sound of their own voice more than the legacy media. But now they’ve found a way to […]

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