Hot Take: Leave the Man Alone

The Fort Worth Startlegram ran a reader-submitted letter this week calling former President George W. Bush “cowardly” for not endorsing Kamala Harris for president over Donald Trump.

“I like former President George W. Bush as a person, even though we probably disagree on most policy issues. Nonetheless, I think it’s cowardly of him not to endorse Kamala Harris over Donald Trump,” wrote the reader. 

“I believe Bush detests Trump but doesn’t have the courage to do the right and principled thing. It’s sad that he won’t and lessens my opinion of him. He’ll have to look himself in the mirror every day and recognize that he didn’t step up when it mattered most.”

How convenient that the Startlegram found an individual who thinks that the “right and principled thing” to do in this election is have a former Republican president vote for the Democratic candidate.

Did I miss the letter from one of their readers who thinks President Biden should do the “right and principled thing” by casting his vote for Donald Trump because Biden was tossed aside by his own party AFTER clinching the Democratic nomination?

Yeah, I didn’t think so.

But, pray tell, who is going to be persuaded to vote for Harris if Bush were to endorse Harris anyway? The people who care about Bush’s opinion are already engaged enough to have picked a side. Bush’s endorsement would sway nobody.

This call is pure virtue signaling. And let’s not forget, it comes from the same political faction that called him a Nazi 20 years ago while he was in the White House.

The strange, newfound respect from the left for old Republicans who’ve fallen out of favor with their party never ends — it just picks a new target.

And guess what, George W. Bush ain’t going to care if Joe Schmoe from Fort Worth thinks he should pick a side in this race. The man has been through it all. Let him enjoy retirement and stop dragging his aged body into the middle of the political fights of the day.

Whatever you think of Bush, I’m sure he looks at himself in the mirror just fine every day. This election and this petulant letter isn’t going to change that.