Konni Burton, candidate for Texas Senate District 10 was today endorsed by a host of Tarrant County GOP area leaders. These leaders are tasked with precinct chair organization and ground work for Republican candidates during elections. The endorsement of Konni by these area leaders show her continued grassroots dominance in the race to become the Republican nominee for SD 10.
Don Shipe, Area Leader 6A endorsed Konni saying, “There is only one candidate in this race who is a GOP worker and activist for conservative values. I’m proud to endorse Konni, and I’m encouraging precinct chairs and primary voters to get behind her as well.”
“Konni has the support of the Tarrant County grassroots,” commented Natalie Genco. “When we face off with whoever the Democratic candidate is next year, I want Konni Burton leading our fight in SD 10. Her integrity and conservative principles are unmatched, and I trust her to fight for the principles Republican activists believe in.”
Sybil Lane, Area Leader 6B added her support, “Konni has shown the kind of work ethic local Republican leaders want from their State Senator. I’m happy to add my support, and the unity shown amongst my fellow area leaders proves she’s the one to carry us to victory in SD 10 next November.”
A full listing of area leaders endorsing Konni can be found below.
Area 1A, JP Precinct 1 East of 377: David Lambertsen
Area 3A, JP Precinct 3 North of 26: Natalie Genco
Area 3B, JP Precinct 3 South of 26: Darl Easton
Area 5A, JP Precinct 5 North of 30: Nina Speairs
Area 5B, JP Precinct 5 South of 30: David Helt
Area 6A, JP Precinct 6 North of Granbury Rd: Don Shipe
Area 6B, JP Precinct 6 South of Granbury Rd: Sybil Lane
Area 7A, JP Precinct 7 West of Cooper: Dave Wylie
Konni and her husband Phil reside in Colleyville and have two daughters. Tori is a Senior at Tarleton State University and Faith is a Senior at Grapevine High School. Konni and her family are active members of Calvary Lutheran Church in Richland Hills.