As many of you know, we took back Senate District 10 from Wendy Davis and the Democrats, but not after a long, hard campaign. Clearly, if it were not for the financial support of Texans across the state, we would not have been able to win this historic race. Now, I need your help again.
Senate District 10 is the only swing district in the state of Texas, and Wendy Davis and her cronies would love nothing more than to flip it back into their liberal hands in two years. I need your help building the war chest needed for the battle that is sure to come. We’re taking pledges for donations to our #KeepSD10Red Money Bomb taking place between November 18th and December 2nd. Can you help?
Small or large, every pledge matters! Please go to our web page and pledge today!
It would also help us tremendously if you forwarded this email to like-minded liberty lovers across the state and shared our #KeepSD10Red Money Bomb web page on your Facebook and Twitter.
Senate District 10 is ground-zero in the fight against the liberal political machine that wants to infiltrate our state and your strong financial support will send a message that says, “Don’t Mess with Texas!”
In Liberty,