Even Democrats Oppose Wendy Davis

It’s not every day I say “I agree with a Democrat”, but today is that day.

One of the bright lights of Senator Davis’s filibuster, followed by a mob hijacking of the democratic process, was the voice of reason that came from Senator Eddie Lucio. Now I’m sure as a State Senator I will have serious disagreements with Senator Lucio on certain policies but on this issue we stand together.

Sen. Eddie Lucio addressing Wendy Davis from AgendaWise on Vimeo.

Wendy Davis was taken to task on the issue of life by a colleague from her own party. When her political views are radical, even to Democrats, you know something has to change for Senate District 10.

Today is the day we stand together for conservative values in SD 10. Share this video with your friends today.

In Liberty,

Konni Burton