The portion of this post’s subject line in quotations is the headline of a recent Fort Worth Star-Telegram article where once again the Democrats made it clear that our race is their top priority in Texas in 2018.
Democrats across the state, and even the nation, have targeted Senate District 10 and would love nothing more than to put another tax-and-spend, pro-abortion liberal like Wendy Davis in this seat.
I need your help to defend our shared values of limited government, personal liberties, and free market economics in this campaign. Can you donate today to help ensure we have the resources to fight big government Democrats?

No amount is too small–every dollar goes towards winning in November!The Democrats aren’t fielding legitimate candidates for the top of the ticket. They’ve given up on a statewide victory and they’re all-in against us. They think SD 10 is their biggest opportunity to make gains in deep red Texas!
In Liberty,
P.S. Join my text message alert system for updates on what’s happening in SD10 by texting KONNI to 97000!