Hot Take: And They’re Off!

The Texas House speaker race is finally over.

It’s been a long, crazy road filled with grudges, public feuds, political maneuvering, and whip-counting.

And The Texan was there to document and report all the play by plays.

Our team covered the race from the very beginning — from the runoff election of Speaker Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont), to the reform group meeting that endorsed David Cook (R-Mansfield), to Phelan’s exit from the race and now-Speaker Dustin Burrows’ (R-Lubbock) entry as well as the December 7 spectacle.

All while providing informative, accurate, fact-based reporting and analysis in real time.

On the day of the chamber vote, our team was on the ground in the Texas House when the events went down. We quickly published articles on the result, a handy breakdown of the votes in chart form, and one on what this means for the 89th Legislative Session.

This is on top of the fast-paced, real-time updates from each of our reporters on Twitter.

Our own Brad Johnson, senior reporter, was breaking the news on vote flips the morning of the vote before anyone else!

This is the kind of coverage you can expect as a subscriber and reader of The Texan all session long too.

This is our bread and butter and our crew loves every second of it!

When we launched The Texan almost six years ago, the legacy and alternative media lacked the energy, drive and factual reporting that The Texan reporters provide. Our success since that launch proves how much we were and are needed.

If you’re not a subscriber yet, there’s no better time to subscribe to The Texan than today! Policy is being written, committees formed, and priorities finalized.

You don’t want to miss out on all the action! Let’s go!