Hot Take: This is Newsworthy to Newsweek?

Nobody loves the sound of their own voice more than the legacy media. But now they’ve found a way to elevate their own voices even more!

Newsweek wrote a whole article about an opinion piece in the Austin American-Statesman.

Unsurprisingly, Newsweek imagined some sort of flimsy revelation in an op-ed by a city newspaper in Texas and wrote an article based on that op-ed titled: “Greg Abbott Scolded by Home State Newspaper.”

“Scolded.” That word alone made me laugh!

The first line reads, “Texas Governor Greg Abbott was criticized by a home state newspaper for how he has dealt with the issue of education funding.”

Criticized by a home state newspaper? That’s news?

This is a liberal paper in a liberal city hitting a Republican governor. How is that so newsworthy as to require a standalone piece in an entirely different outlet? Are they that desperate for crappy content? Maybe so.

Not only is it ludicrous and lazy, but the author of the Newsweek article clearly didn’t even care why the Statesman came to the conclusion that they did.

And frankly, neither do I.

But the point is, Newsweek thinks that an op-ed critical of Abbott is the story here. For those of us who are right of center, this is just another day in the life of the liberal media.

Criticism by a liberal newspaper is not what’s notable. It’s the Democratic lawmakers’ joint letter calling for a special session mentioned in that op-ed that is actually newsworthy. That would be worth reporting on – but without bias or opinion. But apparently not from Newsweek’s perspective.

It should be no surprise to anyone that The Texan would never write such a lazy and repetitive piece. Why would we write about a political position taken by another outlet? In what world is that noteworthy?

Media isn’t part of the political fight — or, it shouldn’t be.

This kind of “reporting” is just another reason why trust in legacy media is so low. People see it for what it is – a pablum that is self-serving, not informative or educational to readers who desire real news, not something that pretends to be.

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