I am so grateful for State Representative Pat Fallon’s endorsement. During the 83rd legislative session he received praise and support for his conservative positions and achievements from groups like Young Conservatives of Texas, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility and Texas Right to Life. His pro-life, small government values have not gone unnoticed and today I am proud to have his support.
Rep. Fallon gave his endorsement saying, “Konni Burton is a strong conservative who will fight to ensure we end subsidies to illegal immigrants and control government spending in Austin. She’s not only the strongest conservative in the race but also the most qualified. She’s just the kind of candidate we need to take back Senate District 10 from the Democrats. The grassroots are excited about her candidacy and ready to get to work.”
Conservative leaders have like State Rep Jonathan Stickland and Commissioner Gary Fickes have already joined our support team. Join them and State Rep Pat Fallon and endorse our campaign today!