Today, Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) released their ratings for the 85th legislative session. For nearly fifty years YCT’s ratings have been the gold standard for conservatives across our state, and I am proud to announce that I am the only member of the Texas Senate to score a perfect 100%!
This is in addition to the perfect 100% scores I already received from Texans For Fiscal Responsibility and Texas Right to Life for our work this last session as well.
I don’t set out to score high, or perfect for that matter, on any organization’s legislative ratings. I simply apply my unwavering belief in limited government, personal liberties, and free market economics to every vote I take down in Austin. However, I do hope these ratings serve to illustrate to the people I serve that I am governing as a true conservative–just like I promised to do when I first ran!
With so many special interests and powerful institutions dominating the Texas Capitol, the people need a strong and unapologetic defender of their rights and values, and so long as I remain in office, you can rest assured you will have that with me!
In Liberty,
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