Burton is also a sitting member of the Interim Committee to Study a Coastal Barrier System
AUSTIN, TX – State Senator Konni Burton (R-Colleyville) was recently appointed to two additional committees by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick: the Select Committee on Cybersecurity and the Select Committee on Employment Practices.
Both committees are tasked with tackling important issues facing Texans, including information security within our state agencies and preserving the integrity of our state’s workforce.
As a member of the Natural Resources & Economic Development Committee, Sen. Burton is also a sitting member of the interim committee to study a coastal barrier system, which met recently in Galveston to begin its work.
“Whether it’s discussing how to best protect our coast, or protecting Texans’ private information, or making sure Texas workers are not undermined by illegal hiring practices, I ran for office to be a part of big solutions to big problems,” said Sen. Konni Burton. “I am grateful that the Lt. Governor continues to put me, Senate District 10, and Tarrant County at the table to be a part of making a difference for all Texans.”
In addition to these three committee appointments, Sen. Konni Burton is a member of the Health & Human Services, Natural Resources & Economic Development, and Criminal Justice committees. Burton also serves as Vice-Chairman of the Senate Administration Committee.