Special Note from Ted Cruz

I wanted to make sure you saw this note from Senator Ted Cruz about our big annual fundraiser on September 29th at the Fort Worth Stockyards! — Konni



Konni Burton is a fierce defender of liberty and our Constitution in the Texas Senate. She originally entered the race for Senate District 10 (SD-10) to provide voters an unapologetic alternative to the failed policies of President Obama and Wendy Davis. I was proud then to endorse Konni, and I am even more proud to support her now. She has stood strong for our shared values and beliefs and delivered on her campaign promises as she continues to fight for liberty in our great State of Texas.

But now my dear friend Konni Burton needs our help.

As you may know, SD-10 is the only competitive general election district in the Texas Senate and was previously held by Wendy Davis, who is adored by liberals like Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton because she fought so hard to keep late-term abortions legal in Texas.

This is what is at stake. Do we want a constitutional conservative like Konni Burton representing SD-10 or a left-wing, Hillary Clinton surrogate like Wendy Davis?

The Democrats have made their intent to win this seat back extremely clear , even going so far as to host their 2018 state convention in Fort Worth to bolster support for their efforts to defeat Sen. Konni Burton. We do not need to simply hold the line as Republicans in this district; we need to ensure Konni Burton remains in the Texas Senate.

A recent study comparing the voting record of new office-holders to the former legislators they replaced concluded that the single biggest win for conservatives in the state legislature was the election of Konni Burton. She is indispensable to the causes of limited government, life, and economic freedom.

Konni needs your help to continue this fight!

I am humbly asking you to stand with me and contribute towards Konni Burton’s #KeepSD10Red Fundraiser on September 29th at the Fort Worth Stockyards. Your contribution of $2,500, $1,000, $500, $250, or $150 will ensure that your name will be added to this event’s Host Committee and prominently displayed to show your support for the cause of liberty.

Senator Burton cannot do this alone. She needs the support of people like us who love our state and our country and will not sit meekly as those like Wendy Davis and Hillary Clinton threaten our rights and our values.


Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Senator Cruz is not soliciting funds outside of federal contribution limits or source prohibitions.  Pol. adv. paid for by Konni Burton for Texas State Senate.